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RC4 Knowledge Base

Configuration Using RC4 OneTouch™ (RC4 LumenDimPix)

I. The RC4 LumenDimPix is very similar to the RC4Magic DMXpix, but the RC4 LumenDimPix works with a LumenRadio Transmitter

A. It has the same features as the RC4Magic DMXpix

B. Overview and RC4 OneTouch™ tutorials for the RC4Magic DMXpix can be used for the RC4 LumenDimPix

II. Configuring the parameters on the RC4 LumenDimPix

A. The RC4 LumenDimPix must be paired with the transmitter

B. The live DMX link must be functional

C. In this example, two channels of LED tape with up to 500 pixels long

1. One LumenRadio universe is 512 channels

2. 500 pixels is 1500 channels

3. 1500 channels is 3 universes

4. The additional channel data, beyond 512 channels in the LumenRadio wireless universe, are generated by RC4 Custom Pixel Profiles™

D. Setting parameters on the RC4 LumenDimPix is done through RC4 OneTouch™

E. LED string type is an important parameter

1. The controller must be set to the specific chip type of the LED pixels being used

2. To configure this parameter, a DMX channel at a certain level is used

3. Another channel is used for keyframe length

4. A third channel is used for grouping size

5. A fourth channel is used for the type of replication being used to extend the data to up to 500 pixels

6. See RC4 Custom Pixel Profile OneTouch Settings for a complete outline of available parameters with associated channels and levels.

F. For keyframe length and grouping, it is the numeric value

1. For example, if a keyframe of 30 pixels is desired, set the DMX channel to 30 (not 30%, the absolute value of 30 / 255)

G. Set the desired parameters starting at the DMX channel where the keyframe will begin, in relation to steps 2 through 5 above.  All channels below the first channel must be clear, at zero

H. Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the Set A Button on the RC4 LumenDimPix

1. Once the Set A button is pressed, the values/parameters set with the four DMX channels on the console will be saved in the RC4 LumenDimPix

III. Changing the color order on the RC4 LumenDimPix

A. On the first DMX channel, be sure the level represents the correct pixel chip type

1. The next 3 channels must be either at zero or at the correct levels for the desired parameter settings.  If a configuration channel is at zero, the current setting in the RC4 LumenDimPix will remain unchanged

B. Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the Set A button on the RC4 LumenDimPix

C. Cycling through the color order is done by tapping the Set A button repeatedly

1.The color that appears on the tape when Set A is pressed indicates the first color of the new color order

2. For each starting color there are two color orders. For example, a red start could be red/green/blue or red/blue/green.

D. Test the current color order using the first 3 sliders.  If further selection is required, be sure the 2nd and 3rd channels are returned to zero before tapping the Set button again

E. The entire chain of pixels on Pixel Driver A is now controlled from the console, starting at the DMX channel where the pixel type was set (in this case DMX channel 1).  Each pixel uses 3 channels (red, green, blue)

IV. Configuring the second dimmer channel

A. Always start with all channels down, at zero

B. In this example, the second pixel driver keyframe will start on DMX channel 25 on the console

1. On channel 25 set the string/ chip type

2. On the next channel (26 in this case), set the keyframe length

3. On the next channel (27 in this case) set the grouping size

4. On the next channel (28 in this case) set the type of replication

C. Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap and release the Set B Button on the RC4 LumenDimPix

1. When the Set B button is pressed, the values/parameters set on the four raised DMX channels on the console will be saved in the RC4 LumenDimPix

V. Changing the color order on the second dimmer channel of the RC4 LumenDimPix

A.On the first channel (25 in this case) on the console, be sure the level represents the correct pixel chip type

1. The next 4 channels should either be at zero or at the correct levels for the desired parameter settings

B. Using a small tool like a bent paper clip, tap the Set B button on the RC4 LumenDimPix

C. Cycling through the color order is done by tapping the Set B button repeatedly

1.The color that appears on the tape when Set B is pressed indicates the first color of the new color order

2. For each starting color there are two color orders. For example, a red start could be red/green/blue or red/blue/green.

D. The entire chain of pixels on Pixel Driver B is now controlled from the console, starting at the DMX channel where the pixel type was set (in this case DMX channel 25).  Each pixel uses 3 channels (red, green, blue)

See RC4 LumenDimPix Quick Start Guide for an outline of available parameters with associated channels and levels.